Hydro-Balance ZipClean Evaporator Coil Aerosol Cleaner, 18 Oz
from manufacturer
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No rinsing required for evaporator coils. Dirty coils reduce efficiency, increase electricity usage, cause equipment wear, and contribute to poor indoor air quality. ZipClean will remove greasy film, lint, and other foul smelling contaminants in one simple step.
Easy to use aerosol spray cans
No mixing, no sprayer, no mess
For evaporator coils – no rinsing required
Directions For Use:
Disconnect power to equipment.
Remove heavy soils first by brush or vacuum.
Shake well. Spray evaporator coil thoroughly.
Wait 5 minutes to allow cleaner to work.
Rinsing is not required if the system will be in cooling cycle with active condensation. If condensation is not expected, rinse with water using a spray bottle or tank sprayer.