The Iso Collection'S Telescoping Machined-Metal Design Infuses Industrial Elements Into European Minimalism As It Boldly, And Beautifully, Embraces The Future. Exceptional Beauty And Uncomplicated Style Features Give The Iso Collection An Ageless Yet Fashion-Forward Presence. Tailored Yet Relaxed, The Iso Collection Is An Exercise In Design Balance. This Lustrous Collection Works Seamlessly With Today'S Lifestyles.
▪ Single-Post Paper Holder
▪ Corrosion Resistant
▪ Limited Lifetime Warranty
▪ Included Template And Mounting Hardware Take The Guesswork Out Of Installation
▪ Chrome Finish Is Highly Reflective For A Mirror-Like Look That Works With Any Decorating Style
▪ Includes Stamped Steel Mounting Bracket
▪ Mfg #DN0709CH